Uhm, question... can someone update the version of the X3TC.exe that the 1.3 patch puts in from 3.1 to 3.2? Reason is, 3.1 doesn't seem to like this: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=337889
I posted this in this thread cause it isn't really a bug report per say...
General questions
Модераторы: by.@ztek, Постигший истину, Модераторы
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- RunaKitun
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Re: General questions
TOTT v1.3 have X3TC.exe from the patch to game v.3.2.
But not translation to english documentation yet, pardon
- добавлен EXE-файл из официального патча 3.2 для Х3ТС.
But not translation to english documentation yet, pardon

Совершенству нет предела...
by.@ztek - Admin
- Сообщений: 1585
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- Зарегистрирован: 06 фев 2011, 00:24
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Re: General questions
davy3179 писал(а):by.@ztek писал(а):Dock at any terran station. You have a message. Or, see your logbook, when you first docked with terran station.
Thank you so much!
I found it,but seems bug.
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Any help?
- davy3179
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- Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2012, 05:39
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Re: General questions
davy3179 писал(а):Any help?
More date needed. Where it is?
Совершенству нет предела...
by.@ztek - Admin
- Сообщений: 1585
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- Зарегистрирован: 06 фев 2011, 00:24
- DSP:
- Откуда: Минск, Беларусь
- Благодарил (а): 231 раз.
- Поблагодарили: 688 раз.
Re: General questions
the "добавлен мини-квест "Земляне" maybe has a bug,textid not found when i dock at any Terran Station,Thanks a lot!
Добавлено спустя 36 секунд:
the "добавлен мини-квест "Земляне" maybe has a bug,textid not found when i dock at any Terran Station,Thanks a lot!
Добавлено спустя 36 секунд:
by.@ztek писал(а):davy3179 писал(а):Any help?
More date needed. Where it is?
the "добавлен мини-квест "Земляне" maybe has a bug,textid not found when i dock at any Terran Station,Thanks a lot!
- davy3179
- Newbie
- Сообщений: 11
- Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2012, 05:39
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Re: General questions
by.@ztek писал(а):Try it
It is not the problem.
I found more imformation.
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[Для просмотра изображения необходимо включить JavaScript]
- davy3179
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- Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2012, 05:39
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Re: General questions
Hi there, tried somebody already to move the TOTT MOD to Albion Prelude Universe?
Do you think, this may be possible in principle? Especially in combination with the TC Plots for AP this may be a greater and even better TOTT than ever.
Do you think, this may be possible in principle? Especially in combination with the TC Plots for AP this may be a greater and even better TOTT than ever.
- aldebaran_prime
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- Зарегистрирован: 23 май 2011, 20:33
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Re: General questions
Again me, I'm working now alone on the adaption of your TOTT 1.3 files for AP 3.1. I already joined the x3_universe, t-files, scripts and MD files. TOTT is already playable more or less on AP now.
But I need also the modification of x3intro.obj and x3story.obj of AP to get it real running under AP. I I use the x3intro.obj and x3story.obj from original TOTT/TC, then AP crashes.
Please can somebody make AP version of the TOTT x3intro.obj and x3story.obj and publish them here?
But I need also the modification of x3intro.obj and x3story.obj of AP to get it real running under AP. I I use the x3intro.obj and x3story.obj from original TOTT/TC, then AP crashes.
Please can somebody make AP version of the TOTT x3intro.obj and x3story.obj and publish them here?
- aldebaran_prime
- Newbie
- Сообщений: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 23 май 2011, 20:33
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Re: General questions
aldebaran_prime писал(а):Please can somebody make AP version of the TOTT x3intro.obj and x3story.obj and publish them here?
At present there are no tools to edit obj. files for AP.
DNA78 - Admin
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- Зарегистрирован: 09 фев 2011, 20:08
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Re: General questions
I just finished a first alpha version of TOTT for AP, which can be downloaded here:
https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=F ... 657%213149
Maybe somebody here can help me to finish it?
Actual status is:
- Merged TOTT files, T-File, Scipts, MD files, Universe with AP 3.1
- Removed some outdated stuff als the old turret scripts from TOTT, because the AP Versions are better
- Merged the whole thing with "TC Plots for AP" from dillpickle
- Merged with improved shield effects form daye.
After Installation you can play TOTT in principle within AP,
-Ancient ships does not fire
- (Jump) Beacon Icon in HUD not visible
- Start Menue animation does not show correct background and Earth is missing
- ... maybe some more after more tests...
https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=F ... 657%213149
Maybe somebody here can help me to finish it?
Actual status is:
- Merged TOTT files, T-File, Scipts, MD files, Universe with AP 3.1
- Removed some outdated stuff als the old turret scripts from TOTT, because the AP Versions are better
- Merged the whole thing with "TC Plots for AP" from dillpickle
- Merged with improved shield effects form daye.
After Installation you can play TOTT in principle within AP,
-Ancient ships does not fire

- (Jump) Beacon Icon in HUD not visible
- Start Menue animation does not show correct background and Earth is missing
- ... maybe some more after more tests...
- aldebaran_prime
- Newbie
- Сообщений: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 23 май 2011, 20:33
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Re: General questions
I just hope that they will turn
these Englishmen

I just hope that they will turn

Совершенству нет предела...
by.@ztek - Admin
- Сообщений: 1585
- Изображения: 2
- Зарегистрирован: 06 фев 2011, 00:24
- DSP:
- Откуда: Минск, Беларусь
- Благодарил (а): 231 раз.
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